7 levels of magic : #1 Advanced Telepathy : Concilium

Hail to all lovers of the occult.
In this entry, we delve deeper into the journey of enhancing the first magical power, telepathy, as discussed previously. When this skill is nurtured and strengthened, it evolves into a more advanced form known as Concilium, the transference of thought.
Concilium allows for a profound connection between minds. It is the ability to perceive the thoughts of others, gaining awareness of what they are thinking or even what they are about to say. Beyond passive perception, concilium enables active influence, projecting your thoughts into the minds of others. With practice, you can subtly guide conversations, making people talk about what occupies your mind without their conscious realization.
For those acquainted with the Fourth Chakra (The Heart Chakra), which governs love and emotional connection, Concilium extends its influence into the realm of feelings. This advanced telepathy empowers you to transfer emotions across distances to those you hold dear. Whether it’s the tender sensation of longing, cherished memories, or the warmth of love, your emotions can reach others like an invisible thread binding hearts together.
In essence, Concilium is Telepathy elevated to its highest potential. It embodies a refined mastery of mental and emotional energy, bridging minds and souls. Achieving this level requires dedication and discipline under the guidance of Master Theiam. Through his wisdom, teachings, and specific tasks, practitioners can unlock this incredible ability and further ascend the magical path.
Written By :
Behzad Houshmand